filtre pentru ie-uri vechi

hackuri !importante:

*filtru pentru ie6(stilul nu este aplicat intr-un browser mai vechi de ie6) :
@import "null?\"\{";
@import "styles/docstyle.css";

*widthul va fi 400px pentru un browser
si 350px pentru ie6:
div#test {
padding: 20px;
border: 5px solid gray;
width: 400px;
voice-family: "\"}\"";
width: 350px;

*filtru pentru ie4 (ie4 va ignora stilul dupa @import) in ie5 si ie6 vor fi aplicate ambele stluri
pentru a nu aplica ie4.css in ie5 si ie6 se vor suprascrie stylurile din ie4.css in docstyle.css:
< href="styles/ie4.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
< type="text/css">@...import "styles/docstyle.css";<.../style>

ps. obs bloggeru nu accepta taguri link (punctele de suspensie trebuie ignorate)

browser archive

Visit It is a browser archive where you'll
> find old copies of all the main browsers. They provide also standalone
> copies of ie versions you can
> install without overwriting previous installed versions.

css3 stuf



Recent Web Accessibility Articles - Using Accesskeys - Is it worth it? ::

Hackuri, filtre css

Eric Meyer on CSS: Tricking Browsers and Hiding Styles

CSS Signature

An id applied to the body element is called a CSS Signature. A user style sheet may override any or all style on a page by tapping into the CSS Signature. See "[css-d] CSS signatures

Flash of Unstyled Content

Just one LINK element or SCRIPT element inside a document's HEAD element will prevent a flash of unstyled content.

Every Software Developer Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets !!!!!!!!!